Unit 2 : The Civil War

Lesson 1 : Conflicts and Compromises

1. What effect did the Fugitive Slave Act have? Select all that apply.

***A. It convinced Northerners that slavery was immoral.
***B. It convinced Southerners that Northerners would help return slaves
C. It convinced slaves that they were free to travel the territories.
D. It convinced the federal government that the issue of slavery could be peacefully resolved.

2. How would the issue of whether to allow slavery in a territory be decided, using the idea of popular sovereignty?

A. by the federal government
B. by a national vote
***C. by a vote of the people living in that territory
D. by a vote of the people living in neighboring territories

3. The Missouri Compromise established which as a precedent?

***A. adding slave and free states equally to keep the balance of power
B. using popular sovereignty as the deciding factor on the legality of slavery
C. promoting the expansion of slavery to support the South
D. applying its compromise decision to all territories and future states

4. Which statement best describes how slavery was presented in Uncle Tom's Cabin?

A. Slavery was presented as a political problem for Congress to solve.
B. Slavery was presented as an economic requirement for the South.
***C. Slavery was presented as a moral problem which every person needed to confront.
D. Slavery was presented as a part of the South's social heritage.

100% correct, have a good day!

1. The effects of the Fugitive Slave Act were:

- A. It convinced Northerners that slavery was immoral.
- B. It convinced Southerners that Northerners would help return slaves.

2. The issue of whether to allow slavery in a territory would be decided using the idea of popular sovereignty by:

- C. A vote of the people living in that territory.

3. The Missouri Compromise established the precedent of:

- A. Adding slave and free states equally to keep the balance of power.

4. Slavery was presented in Uncle Tom's Cabin as:

- C. Slavery was presented as a moral problem which every person needed to confront.

sunflower smarts is right

Thank you! I'm glad I could help you with your questions. Have a fantastic day ahead!

1. To determine the effect of the Fugitive Slave Act, we can analyze the options provided:

A. It convinced Northerners that slavery was immoral.
B. It convinced Southerners that Northerners would help return slaves.
C. It convinced slaves that they were free to travel the territories.
D. It convinced the federal government that the issue of slavery could be peacefully resolved.

To answer this question, we should choose all the options that apply. Based on historical understanding, the correct answers are:

A. It convinced Northerners that slavery was immoral.
B. It convinced Southerners that Northerners would help return slaves.

The Fugitive Slave Act was a part of the Compromise of 1850 and required all citizens to assist in capturing and returning runaway slaves. The enforcement of this act in the North led to heightened opposition towards slavery, ultimately convincing many Northerners that slavery was morally wrong. Additionally, Southern slaveholders felt reassured that Northerners would cooperate in returning escaped slaves, further consolidating their support for the law.

2. The question asks how the issue of whether to allow slavery in a territory would be decided using the idea of popular sovereignty. To answer this, let's examine the options provided:

A. by the federal government
B. by a national vote
C. by a vote of the people living in that territory
D. by a vote of the people living in neighboring territories

The correct answer is:

C. by a vote of the people living in that territory

Popular sovereignty was the principle that the people residing in a particular territory would have the right to determine whether slavery would be allowed. This meant that the residents of the territory would vote on the issue, and their decision would determine the presence or absence of slavery. This concept was often utilized during the antebellum period to manage the expansion of slavery.

3. The question requires identifying the precedent set by the Missouri Compromise. Let's examine the options provided:

A. adding slave and free states equally to keep the balance of power
B. using popular sovereignty as the deciding factor on the legality of slavery
C. promoting the expansion of slavery to support the South
D. applying its compromise decision to all territories and future states

The correct answer is:

A. adding slave and free states equally to keep the balance of power

The Missouri Compromise of 1820 admitted Missouri as a slave state while admitting Maine as a free state, thereby maintaining a balance between slave and free states in the United States. This approach aimed to preserve the delicate equilibrium between the North and South and prevent any single side from gaining undue power in Congress.

4. The question asks how slavery was presented in Uncle Tom's Cabin. Let's examine the options provided:

A. Slavery was presented as a political problem for Congress to solve.
B. Slavery was presented as an economic requirement for the South.
C. Slavery was presented as a moral problem which every person needed to confront.
D. Slavery was presented as a part of the South's social heritage.

The correct answer is:

C. Slavery was presented as a moral problem which every person needed to confront.

Uncle Tom's Cabin, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1852, is an influential novel that depicted the evils of slavery. Stowe portrayed slavery in a moral light, aiming to appeal to the readers' sense of justice and humanity. The book raised awareness about the harsh realities of slavery and played a significant role in shaping public opinion during the lead-up to the Civil War.

In conclusion, all the correct answers are as follows:

1. A, B
2. C
3. A
4. C