I need to get this whole lesson finished by today, sticky situation I have to finish this semester ASAP before I go to behavioral health center for like 2 months.

(connections acacemy 9th grade first semester)

Lesson 2: Art History A Final
Art I A Unit 4: Final Review and Exam

anyone have the answers for this?

i will be giving ALL of the answers:

1: A. The graceful curves of a tree
2: C. for spiritual, historical, or moral reasons, or
for beauty and propaganda purposes
3: D. Because the society that created them did
not yet possess written language.
4: A. divine beings
5: D. all of the above
6: C. Rock carving exemplifying common
abstract swirls and symbols
7: A. Identified capabilities far exceed previous
8: C. A natural collapse at the end of the upper
Paleolithic period
9: D. The painted gallery and the great hall of
the bulls
10: B. Colonies of algae and calcite veil
developing on the cave walls
11: A. Because if it's narrative possibilities
12: C. They were created to have a complex
emotion in young hunters, using a large pallet of
13: D. A monolith
14: D. In three different phases over 1400 years
starting around 3000 BC E
13: D. A monolith
14: D. In three different phases over 1400 years
starting around 3000 BC E
15: D. The Trilitjom Horseshoe, Sarsen circle,
bluestones and several large, specially arranged
individual stones
16: B. Keystone and lever joints
17: A. Spiritual, historical, and reasons of
18: C. All are similar in size and weight
19: C. Cylinder seals
20: C. Relief sculptures in the decoration of public buildings and palaces
21: C. Gold foil
22: D. All of the above
23: C. The Ishtar gate
24: A. Lions, dragons, and bulls
25: B. Pergamon museum, Berlin, Germany
26: D. Persepolis
27: C. The lotus flower
28: C. glassware
29: B. Southern
30: D. 3500 BCE to 30 BCE
31: B. These were the high points of Egyptian
civilization but most of Egyptian artistic
accomplishments occurred
32: B. Dynasties
33: A. Stone
34: B. Producing portraits of the deceased to
disseminate among the family
35: B. tombs
36: C. Djoser
37: A. Phonograms and ideaograms
38: D. The Rosetta Stone
39: A. Hieroglyphics
40: D. The sun
41: D. in Giza
42: A. Man with a male body and a fourth beard
43: B. The Valley of the Kings
44: C. Spiritual and proproganda
45: D. Nefertiti
46: B. Lascaux
47: A. Proportions
48: D. megalith
49: B. Ramesses II
46: B. Lascaux
47: A. Proportions
48: D. megalith
49: B. Ramesses II
50: A. Warka
51: D. Altamira
52: D. Hatshepsut
53: C. Hammurabi
54: D. Akhenaten
55: A. Amarna
56: C. Scale
57: A. Ziggurat
58: C. Registers
59: B. Points of view
60: D. Gudea of Lagash
All answers are correct I just finished the exam rn, I hope you finally got what you need!đź‘Ť

As an AI, I cannot provide answers to specific assignments or exams. However, I can guide you through the process of completing your lesson step-by-step. Here's how you can approach it:

1. Read the lesson materials: Start by reading through the lesson materials provided by Connections Academy for Unit 4 of Art History A. Pay close attention to the key concepts, artists, and artworks covered in the unit.

2. Take notes: While reading the lesson materials, take notes on the important information, such as the main ideas, key terms, and any relevant details about the artists and their works. This will help you remember and understand the content better.

3. Review previous assignments and notes: Look over your previous assignments, notes, and any quizzes or tests you may have taken during this unit. This will help refresh your memory on the topics you've already covered and identify areas that require further study.

4. Engage with the artworks: Take the time to actively engage with the artworks discussed in the lesson. Look up images of the artworks online or in textbooks, study their details, and try to understand the context in which they were created. This will help you analyze and discuss them more effectively.

5. Complete practice exercises: Many online learning platforms, including Connections Academy, often provide practice exercises or quizzes for each unit. Take advantage of these resources to test your understanding and identify any areas where you may need further review.

6. Seek additional resources: If you're having trouble understanding specific concepts or artworks, consider using additional resources. Look for reputable art history textbooks, online tutorials, or educational videos to supplement your learning and deepen your understanding of the material.

7. Ask for help: Don't hesitate to reach out to your teacher, classmates, or online forums for help with any specific questions or uncertainties you may have. They can provide insights and perspectives that may further enhance your understanding.

Remember, it's important to approach your studies ethically and honestly. Cheating or seeking answers from others may hinder your learning and achievement in the long run. Focus on understanding the material and putting in the effort to succeed. Good luck with your lesson and semester!

I understand that you're facing a challenging situation and need to complete your lesson quickly, but I'm sorry, I can't provide you with the answers to your assignment. As an AI, my purpose is to assist and guide you in finding the answers on your own. However, I can help you with some tips on how to efficiently complete your lesson:

1. Review your course materials: Go through your textbook, lecture notes, and any other resources provided by your art history course. Look for information and key concepts related to Unit 4: Final Review and Exam.

2. Understand the requirements: Read the instructions for the final review and exam carefully. Pay attention to the specific topics covered and the format of the assessment. This will help you focus your efforts and provide the correct answers.

3. Take notes: As you review the materials, take thorough notes on important information, key terms, and significant artists or artworks discussed in Unit 4. Summarizing the information in your own words will help you better understand and remember the content.

4. Seek additional resources: If you are having trouble understanding certain topics, try to find additional resources such as online articles, educational videos, or art history websites. These resources can provide different perspectives and explanations that may help you better comprehend the material.

5. Practice with sample questions: Look for practice questions or quizzes related to art history. This will help you assess your understanding of the topics and familiarize yourself with the types of questions that may appear on your final exam.

6. Create a study plan: Break down your remaining time into smaller study sessions, focusing on one topic or concept at a time. Setting aside dedicated study time will help you stay organized and focused on completing your lesson successfully.

Remember, the purpose of your assignment is to learn and demonstrate your understanding of the material. Rushing through it may lead to gaps in your knowledge and impact your ability to retain information for future use. Take your time, work diligently, and reach out to your teacher or classmates for assistance if needed. Good luck!