Lesson 11: Geometry Unit Test

2. b
3. c
4. c
5. c
6. a
7. a
8. b
9. b
10. a
11. a
12. c
13. d
14. d
15. c
16. c
17. a
18. b
19. b
20. c
21. essay... reflection across the y-axis, translate 1 unit down.

are they right?

im in 8th grade on algebra b unit 1 lesson 11 unit test and i need answers

Does anyone know the answers to the Unit 4 lesson 10 Reproductive Success Unit Test??? I need help!!! PLSSS

is it right

I still can't find 7a unit 2 lesson 10 test

To answer question 21, you are required to write an essay explaining how to perform two transformations on a given shape. In this case, the two transformations are a reflection across the y-axis and a translation 1 unit down.

First, let's discuss the reflection across the y-axis. A reflection is a transformation that flips a shape over a line, in this case, the y-axis. To perform a reflection across the y-axis, you need to take each point of the shape and mirror it with respect to the y-axis. This means that the x-coordinate of each point remains the same, while the y-coordinate changes sign. For example, if a point is at (3, 4), after the reflection, it will be at (-3, 4). Repeat this process for each point of the shape to obtain the reflected shape.

Next, we need to perform a translation 1 unit down. A translation is a transformation that moves a shape without changing its size, shape, or orientation. In this case, we want to move the shape 1 unit down. To do this, simply subtract 1 from the y-coordinate of each point of the shape. For example, if a point is at (3, 4), after the translation, it will be at (3, 3). Repeat this process for each point of the shape to obtain the translated shape.

To summarize the two transformations, start with the original shape. First, reflect it across the y-axis by mirroring each point's y-coordinate. Then, translate the reflected shape 1 unit down by subtracting 1 from each point's y-coordinate.

Remember to provide a detailed explanation, using precise mathematical language, as well as any necessary diagrams or sketches to support your answer. Good luck!

don't use the answers for math. when it comes to the test, the teachers change the answers for every kid. I had to learn that the hard way. good luck everyone!