what do i write for the intertextual links of a text?

Can you amplify your question some? It is not clear on what you are writing, and what you are doing with the intertextual links.

i have finished reading a novel, and i have to write about the context, themes, style, and intertextual links of the text.so i am quite confused what intertextual links means in here.

I'm not clear on what you need to write about. Are you referring to the interrelationships between different works of literature? Are you referring to the quotation of or reference to one work in another?

Please clarify what your assignment is and maybe someone here will be able to help you.


Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Since you seem unable to define the term, try the following links:

1. http://www.tc.umn.edu/~rbeach/teachingmedia/module12/3e.htm

2. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0034-0553(199507%2F09)30%3A3%3C520%3AERRTIL%3E2.0.CO%3B2-6#abstract

To write about the intertextual links of a text, you will need to analyze and identify connections or references between the text you have read and other texts or works of literature. Intertextuality refers to the interrelationships between different texts, where one text refers to, quotes, or alludes to another.

Here's how you can approach writing about the intertextual links of a text:

1. Identify references: Look for any explicit or implicit references to other texts within the novel you have read. This could include direct quotations, allusions, or parallels to characters, events, or themes from other works.

2. Analyze connections: Once you have identified the references, analyze how they contribute to the meaning or interpretation of the text. Consider how the intertextual links enhance the themes, deepen the context, or add complexity to the style of the novel.

3. Research related texts: If you are unsure about the intertextual links, conduct further research on the author's influences, literary traditions, or cultural context. This could involve exploring the author's other works, researching literary movements or historical events, or reading related texts.

4. Provide evidence: When writing about the intertextual links, make sure to provide specific examples and evidence from the text to support your analysis. Quote relevant passages or describe specific references to other works.

5. Reflect on significance: Finally, reflect on the significance of the intertextual links in the overall interpretation of the novel. Consider how these connections contribute to the larger themes, ideas, or messages conveyed by the author.

Remember, the analysis of intertextual links is subjective and open to interpretation, so make sure to support your arguments with evidence and provide your own insights into the meaning of these connections.