1.) A highway runs east-west between two towns C and B that are 25km apart. Town A lies 15 km directly north from C. A straight road is built from A to meet the highway at D which is equidistant from A and B. Find the position of D on the highway.

2.) A,B, C and D are four points on the same staright line. The distances between successive points are equal. If A is (1,-3), C is (4,a) and D is (b,5), find the values of a and b.

Draw a diagram and if AD is x km, then use right triangle ACD to show that

(25-x)^2 + 15^2 = x^2
solve for x

In the ABCD line, using similar triangles,
a-3 = 2(5-a)
4-1 = 2(b-4)

1.) To find the position of point D on the highway, we can use the concept of similar triangles.

Given that point D is equidistant from points A and B, we can consider triangle ACD and triangle BCD.

Triangle ACD is a right triangle with AC as the hypotenuse, and triangle BCD is also a right triangle with BC as the hypotenuse.

Since points A, C, and D are collinear, we can consider triangle ACD and triangle BCD to be similar triangles.

Using the concept of similar triangles, we can set up a proportion based on their corresponding sides:


Given that AC = 15 km and BC = 25 km (the distance between towns C and B), we can plug in these values:

15/CD = 25/CD

Since the denominators are the same, we can cancel them out:

15 = 25

This is not possible, and thus, there is no valid position for point D on the highway that is equidistant from points A and B.

Therefore, there might be a mistake or an error in the given information or problem statement.

2.) To find the values of a and b, we need to first find the common difference between the x-coordinates of the points.

The common difference can be found by subtracting the x-coordinate of point A from the x-coordinate of point C:

common difference = 4 - 1 = 3

Now, we can find the x-coordinate of point D by adding the common difference to the x-coordinate of point C:

b = 4 + 3 = 7

Therefore, the value of b is 7.

To find the value of a, we can use the common difference to calculate the change in the y-coordinate from point A to point C:

Change in y-coordinate = y-coordinate of point C - y-coordinate of point A

Change in y-coordinate = a - (-3) = a + 3

Since we know that the change in the y-coordinate is equal to the common difference, we can set up an equation:

a + 3 = 3

Subtracting 3 from both sides of the equation:

a = 3 - 3 = 0

Therefore, the value of a is 0.

1.) To find the position of point D on the highway, we need to use some basic geometry and algebra.

First, let's draw a diagram to visualize the situation. We have the highway running east-west between towns C and B, with a straight road from town A meeting the highway at point D. Town A is located 15 km directly north from C.

Let's assume that the position of point D on the highway is x km away from town C. Since D is equidistant from A and B, we can consider the distances from A to D and from D to B.

The distance from A to D can be found using the Pythagorean theorem, as A, D, and C form a right triangle with AD as the hypotenuse. The side AD is equal to 15 km, and the side AC is equal to x km. So, the equation becomes:

15^2 = x^2 + 25^2
225 = x^2 + 625
x^2 = 225 - 625
x^2 = -400

Since we can't have a negative distance on a real number line, there is no real solution for x^2 = -400. Therefore, it is not possible to find a point D that is equidistant from A and B on the given highway. This means the information given in the problem is not consistent or is not solvable.

2.) Let's consider the given points A, B, C, and D on the same line.

We are given that the distances between successive points are equal. Let's assume this common difference is represented by d.

The coordinates of A are (1, -3). The coordinates of C are (4, a). And the coordinates of D are (b, 5).

Since the distances between successive points are equal, we can find the common difference (d) using the formula:

d = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Using the coordinates of A and C:

d = (a - (-3)) / (4 - 1)
d = (a + 3) / 3

Using the coordinates of C and D:

d = (5 - a) / (b - 4)

Since the distances are equal, we can equate the two expressions for d:

(a + 3) / 3 = (5 - a) / (b - 4)

To solve for a and b, we can cross-multiply and simplify the equation:

(a + 3)(b - 4) = 3(5 - a)

(ab - 4a + 3b - 12) = 15 - 3a

ab - 4a + 3b - 3a = 15 + 12

ab - 7a + 3b = 27 (Equation 1)

Now let's use the given coordinates of C and D to form another equation.

From the given point (4, a), we know that it lies on the line with the common difference d:

a = (-3) + d
a = (-3) + (a + 3) / 3

We can simplify this equation to solve for a:

3a = -9 + a + 3
2a = -6
a = -3

Now that we have the value of a, we can substitute it into Equation 1 to solve for b:

(-3)b - 7(-3) + 3b = 27
-3b + 21 + 3b = 27
21 = 27

The equation 21 = 27 is not possible, so there is no solution for b.

Therefore, there are no values of a and b that satisfy the given conditions on the line. The information given in the problem is not consistent or is not solvable.