In a farm, both men and women were working. Exactly one- third of the staff brought one child each. One day, each male employee planted 13 trees and each women employee planted 10 trees and each child planted 6 trees. A total of 159 trees were planted on that day. How many women employees were there in that farm?

If there were m men and w women, then

13m+10w+6(m+w)/3 = 159
15m+12w = 159
5m+4w = 53
If that's all you know, then there are two solutions:
1 man and 12 women
5 men and 7 women

To find the number of women employees, we need to set up equations based on the given information.

Let's assume the total number of employees in the farm is "x."

According to the problem, one-third of the staff brought one child each. Therefore, the number of children is given by: (1/3)x.

The number of men can be calculated by subtracting the number of women employees and the number of children from the total number of employees: x - (number of women) - (number of children).

Now, let's calculate the number of trees planted by each group:

Number of trees planted by men = (Number of men) * (Number of trees planted by each man) = (x - (number of women) - (number of children)) * 13.

Number of trees planted by women = (Number of women) * (Number of trees planted by each woman) = (number of women) * 10.

Number of trees planted by children = (Number of children) * (Number of trees planted by each child) = (1/3)x * 6.

The total number of trees planted is given by the sum of these three values: (x - (number of women) - (number of children)) * 13 + (number of women) * 10 + (1/3)x * 6 = 159.

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of (number of women).