I need help writing and Analysis= ( compare and contrast) article.

1. introduction (5-7) sentences
2. body paragraph (5-7) sentences
3.body paragraph (5-7) sentences
4.body paragraph (5-7) sentences
5. conclusion (5-7) sentences

THE ARTICLE NAME ( "The Treasure of Lemon Brown" by Walter Dean Myers)

P.S.................... I understand this is not supposed to be for people to do your work but if you can help me start of the introduction that would be great!

OMG I was just needing help on this one and all i did was going through the newest and i find someone who needs help on the same one

yea this is a past due to

Your compare and contrasting the begging from the story from the end.

yall please i need help this is past due and ive been stressing since last Friday.

I'm guessing your stressed too?

because I am and if you have any suggestions for the introduction please tell me bc I'm so lost. :(

yea im very lost and ive turned in the same one i put over and over again to see if she just gives up like she does on all the others. i have a 50 on the one i turned in for this one

Absolutely! I can help you get started with the introduction for your analysis and compare and contrast article on "The Treasure of Lemon Brown" by Walter Dean Myers. Here's a suggested approach to begin your introduction:

Start by providing a brief overview of the story "The Treasure of Lemon Brown" to set the context for your analysis. You could mention that it is a short story written by Walter Dean Myers, known for his works focused on young adult literature.

Next, you can introduce the main characters or themes that you'll be discussing in your analysis. "The Treasure of Lemon Brown" revolves around a young boy named Greg who embarks on a thrilling adventure after encountering an intriguing character named Lemon Brown.

Furthermore, it might be helpful to mention that your analysis will primarily focus on comparing and contrasting different aspects of the story. This could include examining the themes, character development, and the impact of the setting on the plot.

Remember to maintain a clear and concise tone throughout your introduction. You can use this as a starting point and modify it based on your specific ideas and interpretations for the analysis.

Please note that the suggested sentences above are just a guideline, and you can tailor them to fit your writing style and preferences.