Using the sign for PAST is the way to add the equivalent of -ed to a signed word in ASL. true or false? please help

False. Using the sign for "PAST" is not the way to add the equivalent of "-ed" to a signed word in American Sign Language (ASL). In ASL, verbs are not modified with the addition of "-ed" like in English. Instead, ASL typically conveys past tense by using time indicators or specific signs that indicate the action has already taken place.

To express past tense in ASL, you can use signs such as "FINISH," "BEFORE," or "PREVIOUS" to indicate that the action occurred in the past. Additionally, you can use time markers like specific dates or timeframes to indicate past events. Additionally, facial expressions and body language can also play a role in indicating past tense.

It's important to note that ASL has its own unique grammar and structure, so translating word-for-word between ASL and English can lead to misunderstandings. Instead, it's best to learn ASL as its own distinct language and understand how it conveys different concepts, including past tense.