What was the government of USA after the American revolution?

What was the government of France after the French revolution?

tia c:

1. The Articles of Confederation served as the written document that established the functions of the national government of the United States after it declared independence from Great Britain.

2.Following the French Revolution, when the nation's lower classes overthrew the longstanding Bourbon monarchy, the country established its First Republic in 1792. The new Republic was shortly afterwards overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1799, whose imperial government would fall in 1815.

thank you c:

After the American Revolution, the government of the United States went through a few stages before settling on the current form. Initially, the Articles of Confederation served as the first governing document of the new nation. However, due to its weak central government, it proved to be ineffective in addressing the needs of the country. As a result, the Constitution of the United States was drafted and ratified in 1787, establishing a federal system with a strong central government. This led to the formation of the federal government, with three branches of government: the executive branch (headed by the President), the legislative branch (comprising the Senate and the House of Representatives), and the judicial branch (represented by the Supreme Court).

On the other hand, after the French Revolution, the government of France underwent significant changes as well. Initially, the Revolution resulted in the establishment of the First French Republic in 1792, which abolished the monarchy and established a democratic government. This government was characterized by a National Convention, which served as the legislature. However, political instability persisted, leading to the Reign of Terror and the rise of Maximilien Robespierre. Eventually, the French Directory was established in 1795, transitioning France to a more conservative government with a five-member executive committee and a bicameral legislature. However, the Directory's authority diminished over time, and in 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte staged a coup d'Ă©tat, ending the Directory and establishing the Consulate, which eventually led to Napoleon declaring himself Emperor in 1804.