Which detail from "Lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr." best supports the theme that the fight for social justice often requires determination and sacrifice?

"[Dr. King] once stopped an armed mob, saying: ‘We are not advocating violence. We want to love our enemies. . . . Be good to them. . . . We must meet hate with love.’"
"Dr. King knew that he very probably wouldn’t survive the struggle that he led so well. But he said, ‘If I am stopped, the movement will not stop. . . . For what we are doing is right.’"
"Dr. King’s dedication to the rights of the workers who are so often exploited by the forces of greed has profoundly touched my life and guided my struggle."
"The United Farm Workers are dedicated to carrying on the dream of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr."

B. "Dr. King knew that he very probably wouldn’t survive the struggle that he led so well. But he said, ‘If I am stopped, the movement will not stop. . . . For what we are doing is right.’"

The detail from "Lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr." that best supports the theme that the fight for social justice often requires determination and sacrifice is:

"Dr. King knew that he very probably wouldn’t survive the struggle that he led so well. But he said, ‘If I am stopped, the movement will not stop. . . . For what we are doing is right.’"

To arrive at this answer, you need to analyze the details provided in each option and determine which one directly relates to the idea of determination and sacrifice in the fight for social justice.

In this excerpt, Dr. King's statement showcases his awareness of the risks involved in his fight for social justice. He acknowledges that he might not survive, yet he remains resolute in his conviction that the movement should persist because it is the right thing to do. This demonstrates both determination and the willingness to sacrifice personal safety for the greater cause.

By evaluating the options and carefully considering the implications of each statement, we can determine which one aligns most closely with the theme of determination and sacrifice in the pursuit of social justice.