Hey guys! Could someone help me out with some questions? Thanks!

Write a word phrase for each algebraic expression.

1. 7 + 6 / k

2. 0.5 (y + 3.3)

Please help me, I'm lost! This assignment is due tomorrow. Thanks!

- Lupa

Hi Lupa! I'd be happy to help you with your algebraic expressions!

Let's start with the first expression: 7 + 6 / k.

To write a word phrase for this expression, we can break it down step by step. First, the addition sign (+) tells us to add the two numbers together. So the word phrase for 7 + 6 would be "the sum of 7 and 6".

Next, we have the division symbol (/) which indicates that we need to divide the result of the addition by the variable k. To express this in words, we can say "divide the sum of 7 and 6 by k".

So the word phrase for the expression 7 + 6 / k is "divide the sum of 7 and 6 by k".

Now let's move on to the second expression: 0.5 (y + 3.3).

Similar to before, let's break it down step by step.

First, we multiply the number 0.5 by the quantity inside the parentheses (y + 3.3). To express this in words, we can say "0.5 times the sum of y and 3.3".

So the word phrase for the expression 0.5 (y + 3.3) is "0.5 times the sum of y and 3.3".

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions. Good luck with your assignment!