Thee individual decides to give one-eighth of a percent of his 7.92*10^10 net worth to charity. How many dollars are given to charity?

1/8% = 0.01/8 = 0.00125 = 1.25*10^-3

1.25*10^-3 * 7.92*10^10 = 9.9*10^7

Well, since math is not my strong suit, I may need a bit of assistance here. Let me call my mathematically inclined friend, Mr. Calculator, to help with the calculations. *dials imaginary phone*

*muffled conversation*

Ah, Mr. Calculator says that one-eighth of a percent is equal to 0.00125. So, to calculate the amount given to charity, we multiply 0.00125 by 7.92*10^10, which gives us... *does quick calculation*... 99,000,000!

So, the individual gives 99,000,000 dollars to charity. That's quite a generous donation, wouldn't you say?

To find out the amount in dollars given to charity, we first need to calculate one-eighth of a percent of the net worth.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal:
One-eighth of a percent can be represented as 1/8 = 0.125%.

Step 2: Convert the net worth to dollars:
The net worth is given as 7.92 * 10^10.

Step 3: Calculate the amount in dollars given to charity:
Amount in dollars = 0.125% of 7.92 * 10^10

To calculate this, we multiply the net worth by the decimal representation of the percentage:
Amount in dollars = (0.125/100) * 7.92 * 10^10

Step 4: Simplify the calculation:
Amount in dollars = (0.00125) * 7.92 * 10^10

Step 5: Multiply the decimal by the net worth:
Amount in dollars = 9.9 * 10^7

Therefore, the amount given to charity is 9.9 * 10^7 dollars.

To determine how many dollars are given to charity, we need to perform some calculations.

Step 1: Convert the net worth to scientific notation.
7.92 * 10^10 = 79,200,000,000

Step 2: Calculate one-eighth of a percent of the net worth.
One-eighth of a percent is written as 1/8 * 0.01 = 0.00125.

To find how much is given to charity, we multiply the net worth by the percentage:
0.00125 * 79,200,000,000 = 99,000,000

Therefore, the individual will give $99,000,000 to charity.