Molly and George earned 352 points together. Molly has half the number of points as George. Which equation could represent this situation? Let g represent the number of points George earned.

A. g+ 2g= 352
b. g +1/2 g =352
c. g+g/ 2 = 352
d. 2/1 g= 352
plz help

Because molly earned half the points as g, the equation is 1/2g+g=352

Hope it helped.

since rose = g/2,

g + g/2 = 352

B and C look the same to me

whats the aswer

Sure, I'm happy to help! Let's break down the problem.

We know that Molly has half the number of points as George. Let's represent the number of points George earned as g and the number of points Molly earned as m.

From the given information, we have two equations:

1. Molly and George earned 352 points together: g + m = 352

2. Molly has half the number of points as George: m = (1/2)g

Now, let's solve for the correct equation.

Looking at the answer choices, we can see that option A combines two instances of g (g + 2g), which contradicts the information that Molly has half the points of George. So we can eliminate choice A.

Similarly, in option B, we add g and (1/2)g together, which also contradicts the given information. So we can eliminate choice B.

Moving on to option C, we add g and g/2 together, and this equation accurately represents Molly having half the points of George. So option C is a potential correct answer.

Finally, in option D, we have an equation with 2/1 multiplied by g, which doesn't accurately represent the given information. So we can eliminate choice D.

Therefore, the equation that represents the situation is option C: g + g/2 = 352.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.

To solve this problem, let's break down the given information:

1. Molly and George earned a total of 352 points together.
2. Molly has half the number of points as George.

Let's represent the number of points George earned with the variable "g."

According to the second piece of information, Molly has half the number of points earned by George. So Molly's points can be represented as "g/2."

Finally, we know that the total points earned by Molly and George together is 352. So we can set up the equation:

g + g/2 = 352

Therefore, the correct equation that represents this situation is option C: g + g/2 = 352.