my question is this:

Discuss the several plans for reconstruction and explain one success and one failure of reconstruction

i don't know about the first part. but here's what i think about the successes and failures

one success: Republicans carried out their two main goals, to rebuild the Union and to help repair the war-torn South.

one failure: As in the era of slavery, most black southerners remained in a cycle of poverty that allowed almost no escape. African Americans still lacked property, economic opportunity, and political power.

please help me with some plans for reconstruction


Read this site carefully.

thanks a lot, this really helps

Sure! Let's discuss several plans for reconstruction that were proposed and implemented after the American Civil War:

1. Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan: This plan, introduced by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863, required that 10% of a state's voting population swear an oath of allegiance to the Union to be readmitted into the United States. Once this threshold was met, states could then establish new governments and draft new state constitutions. This plan aimed at quickly reestablishing loyal governments and minimizing the punishment of the South.

2. Radical Republican Plan: As the war was drawing to a close, Radical Republicans in Congress pushed for a more aggressive approach to reconstruction. They believed that the South needed to be thoroughly reconstructed and African Americans should be granted full citizenship rights. The Radical Republican Plan included the Reconstruction Acts of 1867, which divided the South into military districts, required new state constitutions guaranteeing black suffrage, and forced the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment.

3. Andrew Johnson's Plan: Following Lincoln's assassination, President Andrew Johnson implemented his own reconstruction plan. Johnson's plan was lenient towards the Southern states and aimed at quickly restoring the Union. He required states to revoke their secession, ratify the Thirteenth Amendment (abolishing slavery), and reject Confederate debts before being readmitted to the Union. However, Johnson's plan faced opposition from Radical Republicans due to its lack of safeguards for the civil rights of freed slaves.

Now, let's discuss one success and one failure of Reconstruction:

Success: One success of reconstruction was the passage of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments. The Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery, the Fourteenth granted equal protection of the laws and citizenship rights to all people born or naturalized in the United States, and the Fifteenth granted the right to vote regardless of race or color. These amendments laid essential groundwork for civil rights in America and set the stage for later advancements in civil rights movements.

Failure: One significant failure of Reconstruction was the inability to provide lasting economic opportunities and political power for African Americans. Despite the Reconstruction amendments, African Americans faced numerous challenges in the South. Black individuals were subjected to discriminatory practices such as Jim Crow laws, segregation, and voter suppression tactics such as poll taxes and literacy tests. These oppressive measures restricted their economic progress and political participation, keeping many trapped in a cycle of poverty.

I hope this helps you understand the plans for reconstruction as well as one success and one failure of the period.