Create an illustrated depiction of various elements related to the writing process. Show an image of an open book with vivid pages transforming into symbolic icons such as a light bulb (representing ideas), a chain link (representing connection of ideas), a scale (representing counterclaim), and a clock (indicating the transition of ideas). Near the book, illustrate a cause and effect diagram, hinting at the significance of transition words in constructing cause-effect relationships. Around this scene, integrate subtle visuals like a trail path, a 'more info' sign, and varying bar charts (for sentence variety). Please make sure these symbols are abstract and not textual.

Why do writers use transitions?(1 point)

to provide facts.

to state a claim.

to connect ideas.

to explain a counterclaim.

Which transition word or phrase signals the cause in a cause and effect relationship?(1 point)



as a result

due to

Which transition word or phrase signals the author is providing more information?. Select two answers.(1 point)


as a result


after all


Why is it important to vary sentence structure and use effective transitions in an argument? Select two answers.(1 point)

to keep the reader interested

to make the ideas clear

to identify causes and effects

to make counterclaims weaker

to repeatedly state your claim

Use the sentence to answer the question.

Many animals are not kept in their natural habitats at zoos, _______, they do not act as they would in nature.

Which word or phrase should be used as a transition?

(1 point)

due to




help please someone

1. To connect ideas

2. Due to
3. Too and further
4. To keep the reader interested and to make the ideas clear
5. Consequently

Hi is correct 100 for me

Hi Is 100% correct for me to thanks to you Hi

Thx HI!

hi thx

thanks i was struggling with this this thanks so much ;)

hi! is 100% correct even in 2022 happy new year enjoy and good luck!

Thank you!


omgg thank youuu