a representative democracy is a form of government in which?

1. b

2. a, c
3. b, d

it me is right

it me is correct! thank you <333

what is this place

1. citizens have a voice in the government by electing representatives who speak for them.

2. All children born in the United States are citizens,
Citizenship can be acquired through naturalization.

3. Serve on a jury, vote in elections

A representative democracy is a form of government in which elected officials represent the interests and make decisions on behalf of the people. To understand this concept, let's break it down further:

1. Representative: In a representative democracy, the power to govern is vested in elected representatives rather than directly in the hands of the citizens. The representatives are chosen through free and fair elections.

2. Democracy: Democracy refers to a system where people have the power to participate in decision-making processes. In a representative democracy, citizens exercise this power indirectly by electing individuals to represent their interests and concerns.

So, in summary, a representative democracy is a government structure in which citizens elect representatives to make decisions and govern on their behalf.

To learn more about this topic, you could consult various resources such as books, articles, or websites that explain political systems and forms of government. Additionally, studying case studies of countries that practice representative democracy, like the United States or Germany, can provide practical examples and insights.

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