The only force acting on a 2.0-kg body as it moves along the x axis is

given in the figure. At x = 0, the body is moving 3.0 m/s in the positive x direction.
At what value of x will the body be momentarily at rest?

no figure.

F = ma
a = dv/dt
so when is v=0?

To find the value of x at which the body will be momentarily at rest, we can use the concept of net force and acceleration.

1. Start by analyzing the given force vs. position graph.
- At x = 0, the force is zero.
- As the body moves to the right (positive x direction), the force remains constant.
- Therefore, the force on the body is constant throughout its motion.

2. According to Newton's second law of motion, the net force acting on an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by its acceleration:
Fnet = m * a

3. In this case, the mass of the body is given as 2.0 kg.

4. As the force is constant, the acceleration of the body will also be constant, which means its velocity will change linearly with time.

5. The acceleration can be found by rearranging the equation:
a = Fnet / m

6. Substituting the values, we get:
a = 10 N / 2 kg = 5 m/s^2

7. We know that acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. So, let's consider a situation where the body comes to rest momentarily after moving a distance 'd' from x = 0.

8. Using the kinematic equation:
v^2 = v0^2 + 2a * d

where v = final velocity (0 m/s), v0 = initial velocity (3.0 m/s), a = acceleration (5 m/s^2), and d = distance.

9. Plugging in the values, we get:
0^2 = (3.0)^2 + 2 * 5 * d

Solving for 'd':
0 = 9 - 10d
10d = 9
d = 9 / 10
d = 0.9 meters

Therefore, the body will be momentarily at rest when it reaches a position of x = 0.9 meters along the x-axis.

To find the value of x at which the body will be momentarily at rest, we need to analyze the forces acting on the body and apply Newton's second law of motion.

Given the figure showing the force acting on the body, we can see that the force is an inverse relationship with x, represented by a negative slope slope (-kx).

Newton's second law of motion states that the net force acting on an object is equal to its mass (m) multiplied by its acceleration (a).

In this case, we have only one force acting on the body. Therefore, the equation can be written as:

F_net = m * a

The acceleration (a) can be calculated using the second derivative of x with respect to time (t):

a = d²x / dt²

From the force equation, we have:

-kx = m * d²x / dt²

Rearranging the equation, we get:

d²x / dt² = -kx / m

Now, let's solve this second-order ordinary differential equation to find the equation of motion for x(t).

Since the acceleration is proportional to the negative of position, we know the solution will involve trigonometric functions (sine and cosine).

Let's assume the solution is in the form:

x(t) = A * sin(ωt + φ)

Where A is the amplitude, ω is the angular frequency, and φ is the phase constant.

To find ω, we need to substitute x(t) into the differential equation and solve for ω.

Substituting x(t) into the equation:

d²(A * sin(ωt + φ)) / dt² = -k(A * sin(ωt + φ)) / m

Expanding and simplifying the equation:

A * ω² * sin(ωt + φ) = -k * A * sin(ωt + φ) / m

Cancelling out A and sin(ωt + φ):

ω² = -k / m

Taking the square root of both sides:

ω = ±√(-k / m)

Since k and m are both positive in this scenario, the angular frequency ω will be imaginary. Consequently, the motion is oscillatory.

To solve for the value of x at which the body will be momentarily at rest, we need to find the value of x when the velocity (dx/dt) is equal to zero.

Taking the derivative of x(t), we get:

v(t) = dx(t) / dt = A * ω * cos(ωt + φ)

Setting v(t) equal to zero:

0 = A * ω * cos(ωt + φ)

Simplifying the equation:

cos(ωt + φ) = 0

To find the values of ωt + φ that satisfy this equation, we look at the cosine function. It equals zero at two instances:

ωt + φ = π/2 or ωt + φ = 3π/2

Solving for t:

ωt = π/2 - φ or ωt = 3π/2 - φ

t = (π/2 - φ) / ω or t = (3π/2 - φ) / ω

Now that we have t, we can substitute it back into the equation for x(t):

x(t) = A * sin(ωt + φ)

x(t) = A * sin[ω((π/2 - φ)/ω) + φ]

x(t) = A * sin(π/2 - φ + φ)

x(t) = A * sin(π/2)

Since the sine of π/2 is 1, the value of x at which the body will be momentarily at rest is:

x = A

Therefore, the value of x at which the body will be momentarily at rest is equal to the amplitude (A) of the motion.