You spend 90 minutes practicing flip tricks and slides on your skate board.

The ratio of time spent on flip tricks to time spent on slides is 7 : 8. How
much time do you spend practicing slides?

7 + 8 = 15

90 / 15 = 6

8 * 6 = ?

heheheheh 123 go

To find out how much time you spend practicing slides, we need to determine the ratio of time spent on flip tricks to slides.

The given ratio is 7:8, which means for every 7 units of time spent on flip tricks, 8 units of time are spent on slides.

To determine how much time is spent on slides, we need to divide the total time spent practicing (90 minutes) into 7+8 equal parts.

First, calculate the total number of parts: 7 + 8 = 15 parts.

Next, divide the total practice time by the total number of parts: 90 minutes ÷ 15 parts = 6 minutes per part.

Finally, multiply the number of parts allocated to slides (8 parts) by the time per part (6 minutes): 8 parts × 6 minutes = 48 minutes.

Therefore, you spend 48 minutes practicing slides.


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