What are the key steps required for the formation of metamorphic rock from sand? Simplify the explanation for someone who is unfamiliar with the topic.

The formation of metamorphic rock from sand involves a few key steps, which I'll explain in simpler terms:

Step 1: Sedimentation - Sand is formed from the weathering and erosion of rocks. Over time, this sand slowly accumulates as sediment.

Step 2: Compaction - As more layers of sand are added on top of each other, the weight from the overlying sediment becomes heavier, compacting the sand grains together.

Step 3: Lithification - Under the weight and pressure of the overlying sediment, the sand grains become tightly packed and cemented together, forming a sedimentary rock called sandstone.

Step 4: Heat and Pressure - Sandstone that is buried deep within the Earth's crust can undergo changes due to high temperatures and increasing pressure over millions of years. This step is where the transformation into metamorphic rock begins.

Step 5: Recrystallization - Under the influence of heat and pressure, the minerals within the sandstone can recrystallize, meaning they rearrange their structure to form larger, more tightly interlocking crystals. This process gives rise to metamorphic rock, known as quartzite, from the original sand grains.

So, in summary, the key steps for the formation of metamorphic rock from sand involve sedimentation, compaction, lithification (forming sandstone), and then the application of heat and pressure, resulting in recrystallization and the formation of quartzite.