What does the Middle Passage refer to?

A. roads used by missionaries in spreading Islam to Africa

B. voyage of enslaved people from Africa to the Americas

C. rivers across Africa joining its Atlantic and Indian ocean coasts

D. gold trade routes linking North Africa with sub-Saharan Africa

B* not C

B. voyage of enslaved people from Africa to the Americas

The correct answer is B. The Middle Passage refers to the voyage of enslaved people from Africa to the Americas. To arrive at this answer, you could use a few different methods:

1. Prior knowledge: If you have prior knowledge about the history of slavery, you may already know that the Middle Passage refers to the journey of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas.

2. Online research: You can use search engines or online encyclopedias to look up the term "Middle Passage." This will provide you with detailed information about the transatlantic slave trade and the significance of the Middle Passage.

3. Historical textbooks or references: Consulting reliable historical textbooks or references will provide you with accurate information about the Middle Passage and its historical context. These sources often include specific sections or chapters on the transatlantic slave trade.

By using one or a combination of these methods, you will find that the Middle Passage refers to the voyage of enslaved people from Africa to the Americas.

It was C