How do you weigh an elephant? ( Chinese riddle )

so you put the elephant in a boat, then you draw a line where the water reaches the boat. take out the elephant and put rocks into the boat until the water reaches exactly to the drawn line. you last add all the weights of the rocks you put in the boat. My father told me this riddle before. Plus I liked your question

drive your flatbed truck onto the truck scale and weigh it

load up the elephant onto the truck, and weight the truck+elephant.

:D Hello, thank you for your responses.

To solve the Chinese riddle "How do you weigh an elephant?", we need to think creatively. Here's one possible answer:

You would need to weigh the elephant using a large weighing scale. However, since an elephant is so massive, a typical weighing scale won't be able to handle its weight. So, the solution is to weigh the elephant indirectly by using an alternative method.

One possible method is to use a water displacement technique, which is based on Archimedes' principle. Here's how it works:

1. Find a large tank or container that can hold enough water to submerge the elephant completely.
2. Place the container on the weighing scale and record its weight.
3. Carefully guide the elephant into the tank, ensuring that it is fully submerged in the water.
4. The water displaced by the elephant will be equal to its volume.
5. Measure and record the weight of the water that was displaced.
6. Finally, subtract the weight of the container (step 2) from the weight of the container plus the water displacement (step 5). The difference will give you an estimation of the elephant's weight.

It's important to note that this method provides an approximation and may not be entirely accurate. Actual elephant weighing is usually done using specialized equipment designed for extremely heavy loads.