A store is having a sale with a 25% discount on all merchandise. Which equation represents the relationship between the regular cost of merchandise (r) and the discount recived (d)

The equation that represents the relationship between the regular cost of merchandise (r) and the discount received (d) is:

d = 0.25r

In this equation, "d" represents the discount received (25% of the regular cost), and "r" represents the regular cost of the merchandise.

To find the equation that represents the relationship between the regular cost of merchandise (r) and the discount received (d), we need to understand how discounts work.

A discount is a reduction in price given to customers as an incentive to buy a product or service. In this case, the store is offering a 25% discount.

To calculate the discounted price, we subtract the discount amount from the regular price. The discount amount is calculated by multiplying the regular price by the discount percentage.

So, the formula to calculate the discount amount would be:

Discount Amount = Regular Price * Discount Percentage

In this case, the discount percentage is 25%, which can be written as 0.25 (since percentages are often expressed as decimals).

Hence, the equation that represents the relationship between the regular cost of merchandise (r) and the discount received (d) would be:

d = r * 0.25


d = 0.25r

r = 0.25d


r = 25d

i dont know how to solve this