Which option most accurately describes an artistic creation and innovation during the Renaissance?

Michelangelo completed carving a statue of David that displays accurate anatomy and human form

To determine which option most accurately describes an artistic creation and innovation during the Renaissance, we can break down the options and analyze them one by one.

Option 1: "Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa, skillfully using the technique of sfumato."
Option 2: "Michelangelo completed carving a statue of David that displays accurate anatomy and human form."
Option 3: "Raphael used perspective to create depth in his paintings."
Option 4: "Donatello created the bronze sculpture of David, capturing a sense of movement."

Option 1 attributes the painting of the Mona Lisa to Leonardo da Vinci using the technique of sfumato. Leonardo da Vinci was indeed a prominent artist during the Renaissance, and the Mona Lisa is one of his most famous works. However, the technique of sfumato was not an innovation specifically associated with the Renaissance period. It was used by artists prior to the Renaissance.

Option 2 describes Michelangelo's completion of carving the statue of David, which displays accurate anatomy and human form. Michelangelo was a renowned sculptor and painter during the Renaissance, and his statue of David is considered a masterpiece of the era. The emphasis on accurate anatomy and human form was a significant artistic innovation of the Renaissance, as artists during this period sought to depict the human body more realistically. Therefore, this option accurately represents an artistic creation and innovation during the Renaissance.

Option 3 suggests that Raphael used perspective to create depth in his paintings. Perspective was indeed a key innovation during the Renaissance, allowing artists to accurately represent the three-dimensional world on a two-dimensional surface. Raphael was a prominent artist of the Renaissance, and he utilized perspective in his works. While this option accurately reflects an artistic innovation, it does not specifically represent a creation by Raphael.

Option 4 states that Donatello created the bronze sculpture of David, capturing a sense of movement. Donatello was a renowned sculptor during the Renaissance, and his statue of David was indeed influential. However, capturing a sense of movement in sculpture was not a distinctive innovation of the Renaissance, as it had been explored during earlier periods.

Therefore, the option that most accurately describes an artistic creation and innovation during the Renaissance is Option 2: "Michelangelo completed carving a statue of David that displays accurate anatomy and human form."