Which options best describes changes in social values caused by the Renaissance?

Select all that apply.

- peasants were able to invent new devices and reap the financial bounty of their discoveries
- peasants were no longer tied to a given social statues based on birthright

To determine the best options that describe changes in social values caused by the Renaissance, we can analyze the characteristics of this historical period. The Renaissance, which began in the 14th century and lasted until the 17th century, was a time of significant cultural, intellectual, and social change in Europe. Here are some aspects to consider:

1. Increased Importance of Humanism: The Renaissance placed a renewed emphasis on the study of human values, abilities, and potential. Humanist philosophers and scholars encouraged people to focus on human experience and achievements. This led to a shift in social values, with a growing appreciation for individuality, creativity, and the potential of each person to contribute to society.

2. Rise of the Middle Class: The Renaissance saw the emergence and growth of a prosperous middle class. While feudalism was still present, the middle class gained prominence as merchants, bankers, and professionals. As a result, social mobility increased, and individuals were no longer solely defined by their birthright or social status.

3. Innovation and Invention: The Renaissance witnessed significant advancements in science, technology, and innovation. While it is true that peasants played a limited role in these developments, this period saw the rise of inventors, scientists, and other intellectuals who pushed the boundaries of knowledge. Their discoveries had profound impacts on society, leading to new inventions and improved living conditions for many people.

4. Expansion of Education and Knowledge: The Renaissance marked a period of increased access to education and knowledge. The establishment of universities, the revival of Greek and Roman texts, and the spread of printing press all contributed to a wider dissemination of knowledge. This democratization of education challenged the prevailing social values and promoted a more educated and intellectually curious society.

Based on these characteristics, the options that best describe changes in social values caused by the Renaissance would be:

- Peasants were no longer tied to a given social status based on birthright: The rise of the middle class and the emphasis on individual achievement challenged the traditional social hierarchy, providing opportunities for social mobility.

- Peasants were able to invent new devices and reap the financial bounty of their discoveries: While peasants did not have significant roles in the intellectual advancements of the Renaissance, the spirit of innovation and invention that was prevalent during this period did contribute to societal advancements. However, it is worth noting that the majority of inventions and financial benefits were realized by the educated elite, rather than peasants.

Remember, the Renaissance was a complex and multifaceted period with numerous changes occurring simultaneously. It is important to consider various factors and historical perspectives to fully understand the impact on social values.