I recently ordered hair shampoo online. One seller offered Nexxus shampoo for $8.95 per bottle with free shipping. Another seller offered Tresemme for $7.75 per bottle, plus a flat $4.95 shipping fee for the whole order.

1) Write equations for the cost, C, of each option. Please use the letter x for the other variable quantity in this problem.

So I did:
Nexxus: C = 8.95x
Tresemme: C = 7.75x + 4.95

2) Solve the system of equations you wrote above to find the number of bottles of shampoo you would need to buy for the costs to be the same. (Round to the nearest whole bottle)

8.95x = 7.75x + 4.95
Solving, x = 4.125

3) Fill in the blanks:
It would make sense to purchase Nexxus shampoo if you buy _______ than ________ bottles of shampoo?

It would make sense to purchase Tresemme shampoo if you buy _______ than _______ bottles of shampoo?

This is where I am not certain......

Would it be...
It would make sense to purchase Nexxus shampoo if you buy MORE than 4 bottles of shampoo?

It would make sense to purchase Tresemme shampoo if you buy LESS than 4 bottles of shampoo??

I'm pretty confident about answers 1 and 2, just not 3, please help!

This is a cheating website. WHY R U ON THIS!!!!!!!!! I can hack ur id code and tell ur teacher that u where cheatin'. FIGURE THIS OUT URSELF. Just sayin', hears the answer.

this is the answer

It would make sense to purchase Nexxus shampoo if you buy MORE than 4 bottles of shampoo?

The first one is right
BTW, i am a tutor, soooo, this answer is right

It would make sense to purchase Nexxus shampoo if you buy MORE than 4 bottles of shampoo?

UR firsy 1 is right


You are correct with your answers for questions 1 and 2. Let's move on to question 3.

To determine when it would make sense to purchase Nexxus shampoo and when it would make sense to purchase Tresemme shampoo, you need to compare the number of bottles needed for each option.

From question 2, you found that the number of bottles, x, needs to be more than 4.125 for the costs to be the same. However, since you cannot purchase a fraction of a bottle, you need to round this number to the nearest whole bottle.

Rounding 4.125 to the nearest whole number gives 4, so let's update our answer for the first blank:
It would make sense to purchase Nexxus shampoo if you buy MORE than 4 bottles of shampoo.

Similarly, if you buy less than 4 bottles, it would make sense to purchase Tresemme shampoo. So, your answer for the second blank is correct:
It would make sense to purchase Tresemme shampoo if you buy LESS than 4 bottles of shampoo.

Overall, your understanding is correct, but for question 3, the final answers should be:
- It would make sense to purchase Nexxus shampoo if you buy MORE than 4 bottles of shampoo.
- It would make sense to purchase Tresemme shampoo if you buy LESS than 4 bottles of shampoo.