Yolanda is 4 years younger than 3 times her daughter's age. The sum of their ages is greater than 88.

What is the youngest age Yolanda's daughter can be?

y = Yolanda's Age

d = Daughter's Age

y = 3d - 4
y + d > 88
y + d = 3d - 4 + d = 88
4d - 4 = 88
4d - 4 = 88



To find the youngest age Yolanda's daughter can be, we need to analyze the given information.

Let's assume the daughter's age is "x." According to the problem, Yolanda is 4 years younger than 3 times her daughter's age. So, Yolanda's age can be expressed as 3x - 4.

The sum of their ages is greater than 88. This can be written as:
x + (3x - 4) > 88

Now we can solve this equation to find the youngest age for Yolanda's daughter.

Combining like terms, we have:
4x - 4 > 88

Adding 4 to both sides, we get:
4x > 92

Dividing both sides by 4, we have:
x > 23

Therefore, the youngest age Yolanda's daughter can be is 24.