Which part of a plant cell helps keep the plant upright?

A nucleus
B chloroplast
C mitochondria
D large central vacuole

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The central vacuole is a large vacuole found inside of plant cells. A vacuole is a sphere filled with fluid and molecules inside a cell. The central vacuole stores water and maintains turgor pressure in a plant cell.


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The correct answer is D, the large central vacuole.

To determine the correct answer, we can analyze the role of each option in a plant cell.

A) The nucleus is the control center of the cell and is responsible for storing the genetic material. While it plays a vital role in cell function, it does not directly contribute to the plant's structure or support.

B) Chloroplasts are responsible for photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy. They are the site of photosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll. While crucial for the plant's growth, chloroplasts do not directly aid in the plant's upright position.

C) Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell, producing energy through cellular respiration. They generate ATP, the energy currency of cells. Like the nucleus and chloroplasts, mitochondria are not directly involved in keeping the plant upright.

D) The large central vacuole, or vacuole, is a membrane-bound sac found in plant cells. It occupies a significant portion of the cell's volume. By filling with water, sugars, and other substances, it builds up turgor pressure, providing the plant with structural support. This internal pressure helps maintain the rigidity and shape of the cells, ultimately helping the plant to remain upright.

Therefore, the correct answer is D, the large central vacuole.