Sudhie wrote this rough draft. She wants to revise the draft to include evidence from a credible source.

Our town needs a community center that offers exercise equipment, a meeting space, and entertainment for teenagers. This would encourage healthy lifestyle choices and community engagement. Rather than driving around looking for friends or loitering at fast-food restaurants, teens could gather to play ping pong or to take an exercise class. This healthy investment would be a welcome relief to the teens of our community.
Which phrase would provide the most credible evidence?

the answer is b- an article about healthy foods and activities for teens in YouthFit magazine

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To find a phrase that would provide the most credible evidence, Sudhie should look for information from a reliable source that supports the benefits of community centers for teenagers and their impact on promoting healthy lifestyle choices and community engagement.

To get this information, Sudhie can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting research on community centers and their benefits for teenagers. Look for studies, articles, or reports from reputable sources such as academic journals, government agencies, or well-known organizations.

2. Use search engines like Google Scholar or databases like JSTOR or PubMed to find relevant information. Enter keywords such as "community centers for teenagers," "health benefits of community centers," or "impact of community centers on community engagement."

3. Evaluate the credibility of the sources found. Look for articles published in peer-reviewed journals or reports from established organizations known for their expertise in the field.

4. Look for specific information that supports the claims in Sudhie's draft. It could be statistics, research findings, expert opinions, or real-life examples.

Based on the information found, Sudhie can then revise her draft to include a phrase that provides evidence from the credible source.