Read the text trailer for the short story “4102 Elm Street.”

Strange noises. Weird odors. No one seen going either in or out. Andrew knew something strange was going on in the house across the street, and he was determined to find out what it was. Armed with time, a map of the neighborhood, and a magnifying glass, Andrew set out to solve the mystery of 4102 Elm Street. He had no idea what he would find . . . and he was a little afraid to find out!
The music that would best match the tone of this text trailer would be
A. soft and classical.
B. happy and uplifting.
C. fast and exciting.
D. sad and melancholic.

The answer would be B: In fact, only one thing was certain: This would either be the best summer of his life . . . or the worst.

(Just took the test)

The music that would best match the tone of this text trailer would be C. fast and exciting.

To determine the best music that would match the tone of the text trailer for the short story "4102 Elm Street," we need to analyze the key elements and emotions conveyed in the trailer.

The trailer mentions strange noises, weird odors, and a sense of mystery and fear. This indicates a sense of suspense and anticipation in the story.

Based on this information, the ideal music would be C. fast and exciting. This type of music would help create a sense of tension and excitement, which aligns with the mysterious and suspenseful atmosphere suggested by the text trailer.