A grocery store clerk put only packages of flour tortillas and packages of corn tortillas on a shelf. The ratio of the number of packages of corn tortillas to the total number of packages on the shelf was 7 to 16.

Which number could be the number of packages of flour tortillas the clerk put on the shelf?

i still don't get it whats the answerrrrrrrrrrrr????

I like Food

My last response, I said the answer was probably 18.

Basically the answer is anything divisible by 9

Which means it could be

18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, etc.

bruh what is up with these responses? anyways...

I am pretty sure that the answer is 18

its 18 not me cheating on the starr test

So, it says 7 to 16.

Do 16-7, which gives you 9.
Now, what is the factor of 9(for example 4 is a factor of 2. 2x2=4)
18 is your answer.

me cheating in staar test also :/


HOw is the mutiple 9 ?

I cheated on STAAR and got a 100 without any teacher knowing.