Kenya exchanges $200 for euros (€). Suppose the conversion rate is €1 = $1.321. How many euros should Kenya receive?

x/200 = 1/1.321

To calculate how many euros Kenya should receive, we need to multiply the amount of dollars they have by the conversion rate from dollars to euros.

Given that Kenya has $200 and the conversion rate is €1 = $1.321, we can write the equation:

Euros = Dollars * Conversion rate

Substituting the values:

Euros = $200 * (€1/$1.321)

To find the value of €1 against $1.321, we divide 1 by 1.321:

€1 / $1.321 ≈ 0.756

Now we can calculate the amount of euros Kenya should receive:

Euros = $200 * 0.756 ≈ €151.20

Therefore, Kenya should receive approximately €151.20.