The dimensions of the A-160 module are 1618 mm by 814 mm (available in the file ¿Resources \ Tech_info \ Modules \ ATERSA MU-5M 6x12- (2) -B (A-160.170M) .pdf¿). The photovoltaic module is mounted in Valencia (latitude 39º N) on a flat roof (or on the ground) following the recommendations of the Technical Specifications for Photovoltaic Installations Connected to the Grid prepared by the IDAE (, which specifies the minimum distance between rows of panels and between rows of panels and nearby obstacles to ensure a minimum of 4 hours of sunshine around midday of the winter solstice (21 / Dec.). If the module is inclined at an angle of 25º with respect to the horizontal, it determines the height of the crest (upper edge of the module or h2)

To determine the height of the crest (upper edge of the module or h2), we need to consider the dimensions of the module and its inclination angle.

Dimensions of the A-160 module: 1618 mm by 814 mm (width by height)
Inclination angle of the module: 25º

Now, let's break down the steps to calculate the height of the crest (h2):

Step 1: Convert the dimensions of the module to meters.
Width of the module (W): 1618 mm = 1.618 meters
Height of the module (H): 814 mm = 0.814 meters

Step 2: Calculate the module's tilt height (h1).
h1 = H * sin(angle)
= 0.814 * sin(25º)
= 0.342 meters

Step 3: Calculate the height of the crest (h2).
h2 = h1 + H
= 0.342 + 0.814
= 1.156 meters

Therefore, the height of the crest (upper edge of the module or h2) is approximately 1.156 meters.