WXYZ is a kite. angle WXY has a measure of 110 degrees and angle ZWX has a measure of 50 degrees. find the measure of angle XYW

XZ bisects angle WXY, so WXZ is 55°

The kite is symmetric, so XYZ is also 50°
The four angles add up to 360°, so WZY=150°
XZ also bisects WZY, so XZW = 75°
Now you have four right triangles, so you should have no trouble answering the question.


To find the measure of angle XYW, we can use the fact that the sum of the measures of the angles in a kite is always 360 degrees.

Given that angle WXY has a measure of 110 degrees and angle ZWX has a measure of 50 degrees, we can find the measure of angle XYW by subtracting these two angles from 360 degrees.

Measure of angle XYW = 360 degrees - (measure of angle WXY + measure of angle ZWX)

Measure of angle XYW = 360 degrees - (110 degrees + 50 degrees)

Measure of angle XYW = 360 degrees - 160 degrees

Measure of angle XYW = 200 degrees

Therefore, the measure of angle XYW is 200 degrees.

To find the measure of angle XYW in kite WXYZ, we can use the fact that the sum of the angles in a kite is always 360 degrees.

In a kite, the angles between the pairs of equal sides are congruent. Therefore, angle XYW is congruent to angle ZYW.

Step 1: Find the measure of angle ZYW.
Since angle ZWX has a measure of 50 degrees, angle ZYW is also 50 degrees.

Step 2: Find the measure of angle XYW.
Since angles XYW and ZYW are congruent, angle XYW also has a measure of 50 degrees.

Therefore, the measure of angle XYW is 50 degrees.