15. How does convection transfer heat throughout Earth’s surface and interior? (1 point)

Heat and pressure build up over time in the Earth’s core.
Heat cycles through liquid magma currents in the mantle.
Heat from the sun reaches Earth in the form of rays and waves.
Heat moves between materials in direct contact with each other.
16. Which wave property can be measured as crest-to-crest or trough-to-trough? (1 point)
wave speed
17. Which of the following correctly describes a property of a sound wave but not a property of an electromagnetic wave? (1 point)
transfers energy
requires a medium
swings back and forth while traveling
travels the same speed in any medium

how come 146+ have seen this but have not put an answer

15. Heat cycles through liquid magma currents in the mantle.

16. Wavelength
17. Requires a medium

To answer question 15, we need to understand how convection transfers heat throughout the Earth's surface and interior. Convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of a fluid (such as air or liquid). The correct answer is "Heat cycles through liquid magma currents in the mantle." This is because convection currents in the mantle, driven by the uneven heating of the Earth's core, transfer heat from the interior towards the surface.

For question 16, we need to identify the wave property that can be measured as crest-to-crest or trough-to-trough. The correct answer is "wavelength." The wavelength is the distance between two consecutive crests or troughs of a wave.

Regarding question 17, we need to find a property that describes a sound wave but not an electromagnetic wave. The correct answer is "requires a medium." Sound waves require a medium (such as air, water, or solid) to travel through, while electromagnetic waves (like light) can travel through a vacuum as they do not require a medium for propagation.