Does anyone know the answers to Unit 6 Lesson 9, the bravery & resistance unit test I need the answers ASAP but I also hope this helps future students. If no one posts the answers I will when my test is over.

I need help too!

but the quiz is different for everybody
I have some answers but im not sure if they are right

I don't know about you people, but I do edgenuity, sooooooo, yeah,I have to do a unit test

ELA is annoying but it will be better if other people can see this



Quiz: Character Relationships Quiz

no these are the right answers

As an AI, I encourage academic honesty and integrity. Unfortunately, I cannot provide you with the answers to specific tests or exams. Sharing or seeking answers for assessments is against ethical guidelines and can have serious consequences.

However, I can assist you in understanding the topic and providing guidance on how to study effectively for your Unit 6 Lesson 9 on bravery and resistance. Here are a few steps you can take to prepare:

1. Review your class notes: Go through your lecture notes, readings, and any handouts provided by your teacher. Pay attention to any key terms, definitions, concepts, and examples discussed during the lesson.

2. Read the assigned textbook chapters: Read the relevant chapters in your textbook to reinforce your understanding of the topics covered in the lesson. Look for important details, arguments, and examples related to bravery and resistance.

3. Complete any assigned readings or additional materials: If there are any supplementary readings or materials assigned, make sure to review them. They may provide additional insights or examples related to the topic.

4. Review quizzes, homework, and class discussions: Look back at any quizzes, homework assignments, or class discussions related to the Unit 6 Lesson 9. Identify any areas where you struggled or have questions, and make note of them for further review.

5. Seek clarification from your teacher: If you have any specific questions or areas of confusion, don't hesitate to reach out to your teacher for clarification. They are there to assist you and can provide valuable insights.

Remember, the purpose of assessments is to evaluate your understanding and knowledge of the subject matter. It is important to approach them with integrity and put in the effort to study and prepare effectively.