An educational image about mathematics. A shopping scenario with an individual budgeting for sports goods from a store. A bike racing scenario with students participating and paying a certain amount per entry. Another context regarding saving for a big purchase such as an electric dirt bike. A movie scenario involving ticket pricing for different age groups. Representation of a seating arrangement in an auditorium with varying seats per row also, interesting problems related to class populations in different sections of the auditorium. Lastly, a sports park activity scenario with varying costs for different activities.

1. Trevor has $65 to spend at the sporting-goods store. He buys 3 cans of tennis balls for $6 each. How many $8 sports towels can Trevor buy?

a. 3 towels
b. 5 towels *******
c. 6 towels
d. 8 towels

2. There are 39 students in the bike club. All but 8 of them participated in a race. What is the total cost if each student who entered the race paid $6?
a. $148
b. $162
c.$186 *******
d. $234

3. Jackson has saved $174. He wants to purchase an electric dirt bike that costs $459. If he saves $15 each week from the money he earns doing yard work and another $4 each week from his allowance, how many weeks will it take Jackson to save enough money to buy the bike?
a. 13 weeks
b. 14 weeks
c. 15 weeks ******
d. 16 weeks

4. The price of a movie ticket at the theater is $7 for students. The price is higher for adults. A group of 4 students and 3 adults paid $64 in all for movie tickets. How much does each adult ticket cost?
Each adult tickets costs$________

5. Students filled 6 rows in Level 1 of Section A and 3 rows in Level 3 of Section B.
How many students were seated in the auditorium?
Number of Seats Per Row in the Auditorium
Section Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
A 9 12 14
B 12 16 18
Part A
Which of the following steps are used to solve this problem? Select all that apply.
A. Find how many seats are in each of the rows where the students are sitting.***************
B. Add 6 and 3 to find the number of rows that are filled in all.
C. Add 9 and 18 to find the number of seats that are filled in each row.************
D. Multiply 6 and 9 to find the number of students seated in Section A.***************
E. Multiply 3 and 18 to find the number of students seated in Section B.*****************
F. Multiply 9 and 27 to find the number of students seated in the auditorium.

Part B
How many students were seated in the auditorium?
A. 54 students
B.108 students*************
C.155 students
D. 243 students

6. Use the table to solve the problem.

Number of Seats Per Row in the Auditorium
Section Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
A 9 12 14
B 12 16 18

There are two fourth-grade classes at the school. Mr. Erickson's class has 26 students, and Ms. Richard's class has 27 students.
How many rows in Level 2 of Section A are needed for the fourth graders?
A. 3 rows
B. 4 rows
C. 5 rows *******
D. 6 rows

7. Anthony received a $75 gift card to a sports park that offers batting cages, go-karts, and mini-golf.

Activity Cost
Batting cages $3
Go-karts $5
Mini-golf $6

Anthony has spent $24 of the card so far. He uses both the batting cages and the go-karts each time he goes to the park.
How many more times can Anthony go to the park and use only his gift card as payment?
A. 6 more times
B. 7 more times *********
C. 8 more times
D. 9 more times

you was rong lil baby hope yr happy

Got some wrong BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!


What the heck lil baby u should be a big baby right now

Thank you u are the best lil baby. my mom will be happy. only got like 2 wrong. GOOD LUCK lil baby

1. b. 5 towels

2. c. $186
3. c. 15 weeks
4. Each adult ticket costs $18
5. Part A: A, C, D, E
Part B: B. 108 students
6. c. 5 rows
7. b. 7 more times

1. To find out how many $8 sports towels Trevor can buy, we need to determine how much money he has left after buying the tennis balls.

Trevor spends $6 x 3 = $18 on tennis balls.
Therefore, Trevor has $65 - $18 = $47 left.
Since each sports towel costs $8, Trevor can buy $47 / $8 = 5.875 towels.
However, Trevor can only buy whole towels, so he can buy 5 towels. Therefore, the answer is option b. 5 towels.

2. To find the total cost, we need to multiply the number of students who participated in the race by the cost per student.
Since there are 39 students in the bike club and 8 did not participate, that means 39 - 8 = 31 students participated.
Therefore, the total cost is 31 x $6 = $186. Therefore, the answer is option c. $186.

3. To find out how many weeks it will take for Jackson to save enough money, we need to divide the cost of the bike by the amount of money he saves each week.
Jackson saves $15 + $4 = $19 each week.
Therefore, the number of weeks it will take for Jackson to save enough money is $459 / $19 = 24.16 weeks.
However, Jackson can only save money for whole weeks, so it will take him 24 weeks. Therefore, the answer is option d. 16 weeks.

4. Let's assume the price of each adult ticket is x.
The group of 4 students paid $7 x 4 = $28 for their tickets.
Therefore, the total cost of the adults' tickets is $64 - $28 = $36.
Since there are 3 adults, each adult ticket costs $36 / 3 = $12. Therefore, each adult ticket costs $12.

5. Part A: To solve this problem, we need to find the number of seats in each row where the students are sitting, which is given in the table.
Section A, Level 1 has 9 seats per row, and Section B, Level 3 has 18 seats per row.
Therefore, options A and C are the correct steps.

Part B: To find the total number of students seated in the auditorium, we need to multiply the number of rows filled with the number of seats per row for each section.
For Section A, there are 6 rows filled, and each row has 9 seats, so Section A has 6 x 9 = 54 students.
For Section B, there are 3 rows filled, and each row has 18 seats, so Section B has 3 x 18 = 54 students.
Therefore, the total number of students seated in the auditorium is 54 + 54 = 108 students. Therefore, the answer is option B. 108 students.

6. In Section A, Level 2, there are 12 seats per row.
To find out how many rows are needed for the fourth graders, we need to divide the total number of fourth graders by the number of seats per row.
In Mr. Erickson's class, there are 26 fourth graders, so Mr. Erickson's class needs 26 / 12 = 2.16 rows.
In Ms. Richard's class, there are 27 fourth graders, so Ms. Richard's class needs 27 / 12 = 2.25 rows.
Since we can't have fractional rows, the fourth graders need a total of 2 + 2 = 4 rows. Therefore, the answer is option B. 4 rows.

7. Anthony has spent $24 of his gift card so far and uses both the batting cages and the go-karts each time he goes to the park.
For each visit to the park, Anthony spends $3 for batting cages and $5 for go-karts, which totals to $3 + $5 = $8.
To find out how many more times Anthony can go to the park, we need to divide the remaining balance on the gift card by the cost of each visit.
Anthony has $75 - $24 = $51 left on his gift card.
Therefore, Anthony can go to the park $51 / $8 = 6.375 more times.
However, Anthony can only go to the park for whole visits, so he can go 6 more times. Therefore, the answer is option B. 6 more times.