The record for the Boston Marathon's wheelchair division is one hour 18 minutes and 27 seconds

The Boston Marathon is 26.2 miles long. what was the average speed of the record winner of the wheelchair division

round to the nearest hundredth

pls help me

bawsum = be awe some

How many minutes is 1 hour 18 minutes and 27?

After you figure that out, divide that amount by how long the marathon is.

To find the average speed of the record winner of the wheelchair division in the Boston Marathon, we need to divide the total distance by the time taken.

1. Convert 1 hour, 18 minutes, and 27 seconds into seconds:
1 hour = 60 minutes = 60 * 60 seconds = 3600 seconds
18 minutes = 18 * 60 seconds = 1080 seconds
27 seconds = 27 seconds

Total time = 3600 + 1080 + 27 = 4707 seconds

2. Now, divide the total distance (26.2 miles) by the total time (4707 seconds) to calculate the average speed.
Average speed = Distance / Time

Since the average speed is typically measured in miles per hour, we need to convert seconds to hours:
1 hour = 3600 seconds

Total time in hours = 4707 seconds / 3600 seconds per hour ≈ 1.30 hours

Average speed = 26.2 miles / 1.30 hours ≈ 20.15 miles per hour

Rounding to the nearest hundredth, the average speed of the record winner of the wheelchair division is approximately 20.15 miles per hour.