bob is making treat bags for hid daughters birthday party he decided to use the recipe below for each other bag. he needs to make 6 bags so each friend can have one, and he wants to make 1/2 bag for his two year old to have how of each ingredient will he need to make the 61/2 bags write number sentence to support your answer.

To find out how much of each ingredient Bob will need to make the 6 ½ bags, we first need to determine the amount needed for one bag. Then, we can multiply that by 6 for the 6 bags and add an additional ½ for the two-year-old.

Let's assume the original recipe is as follows:
- Ingredient A: 2 cups
- Ingredient B: 1 cup
- Ingredient C: 3 cups

For one bag, Bob would need:
- Ingredient A: 2 cups
- Ingredient B: 1 cup
- Ingredient C: 3 cups

So for the 6 bags, he would need:
- Ingredient A: 2 cups x 6 bags = 12 cups
- Ingredient B: 1 cup x 6 bags = 6 cups
- Ingredient C: 3 cups x 6 bags = 18 cups

Additionally, he wants to make ½ bag for his two-year-old, so he would need:
- Ingredient A: 2 cups x ½ bag = 1 cup
- Ingredient B: 1 cup x ½ bag = 1/2 cup
- Ingredient C: 3 cups x ½ bag = 1 ½ cups

To summarize, the quantities of each ingredient Bob will need are:
- Ingredient A: 12 cups (6 bags) + 1 cup (½ bag) = 13 cups
- Ingredient B: 6 cups (6 bags) + 1/2 cup (½ bag) = 6 ½ cups
- Ingredient C: 18 cups (6 bags) + 1 ½ cups (½ bag) = 19 ½ cups

The number sentence to support this answer is:
Bob will need 13 cups of Ingredient A, 6 ½ cups of Ingredient B, and 19 ½ cups of Ingredient C to make the 6 ½ bags.

To determine how much of each ingredient Bob will need, we'll first analyze the given recipe and then calculate accordingly. Let's break down the information provided:

1. Bob needs to make 6 treat bags for each friend.
2. Bob also wants to make 1/2 bag for his two-year-old.

Now, let's determine the ingredients required for each treat bag based on the given recipe. Since we don't have the specific recipe, I'll assume a basic treat bag recipe as an example:

Example recipe for 1 treat bag:
- Ingredient 1: 1 cup of flour
- Ingredient 2: 1/2 cup of sugar
- Ingredient 3: 1/4 cup of butter
- Ingredient 4: 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

Using this example recipe, we can calculate how much of each ingredient Bob will need for 1 treat bag:

- Ingredient 1 (flour): 1 cup
- Ingredient 2 (sugar): 1/2 cup
- Ingredient 3 (butter): 1/4 cup
- Ingredient 4 (vanilla extract): 1 teaspoon

Now, let's calculate the ingredients required for the 6 treat bags:

- Ingredient 1 (flour): 1 cup x 6 treat bags = 6 cups
- Ingredient 2 (sugar): 1/2 cup x 6 treat bags = 3 cups
- Ingredient 3 (butter): 1/4 cup x 6 treat bags = 1.5 cups
- Ingredient 4 (vanilla extract): 1 teaspoon x 6 treat bags = 6 teaspoons

Finally, let's calculate the ingredients required for the 1/2 treat bag for Bob's two-year-old:

- Ingredient 1 (flour): 1 cup x 1/2 treat bag = 1/2 cup
- Ingredient 2 (sugar): 1/2 cup x 1/2 treat bag = 1/4 cup
- Ingredient 3 (butter): 1/4 cup x 1/2 treat bag = 1/8 cup
- Ingredient 4 (vanilla extract): 1 teaspoon x 1/2 treat bag = 1/2 teaspoon

So, the total amount of each ingredient Bob will need for the 6.5 treat bags is:
- Ingredient 1 (flour): 6 cups + 1/2 cup = 6.5 cups
- Ingredient 2 (sugar): 3 cups + 1/4 cup = 3.25 cups
- Ingredient 3 (butter): 1.5 cups + 1/8 cup = 1.625 cups
- Ingredient 4 (vanilla extract): 6 teaspoons + 1/2 teaspoon = 6.5 teaspoons

In number sentences, this can be written as:
- Ingredient 1: 6 cups + 1/2 cup = 6.5 cups
- Ingredient 2: 3 cups + 1/4 cup = 3.25 cups
- Ingredient 3: 1.5 cups + 1/8 cup = 1.625 cups
- Ingredient 4: 6 teaspoons + 1/2 teaspoon = 6.5 teaspoons

no recipe

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