broom:sweep::brush:??? start with scr,spr,str,thr

You may not know this word.

scrub was right do you know the other one??

Which other one?


Yep. I know that one.

What is a light rain that starts with spr__?


drizzle or shower might also work

"shower" is more used in weather reports these days


To find the word that has a similar relationship to "brush" as "sweep" has to "broom," we need to identify a word that is typically associated with using a brush, and which starts with "scr," "spr," "str," or "thr."

Firstly, we can eliminate "thr" as there is no common word associated with using a brush that starts with "thr."

Next, we can consider the remaining letter combinations. The words "sweep" and "broom" are related because a broom is a tool commonly used for sweeping. Similarly, a brush is a tool commonly used for brushing.

Considering these factors, the word that fits the pattern and has a similar relationship to "brush" is "scrub," as it is typically associated with using a brush for cleaning purposes.