The gas mileage on Mr. Paulson's car is approximately 22 miles per gallon. In one week, how many fewer gallons of gas does he use to travel to and from his new job? Round to the nearest tenth of a gallon.

To find the answer, we need to know the distance Mr. Paulson travels to and from his new job in one week. Let's assume he travels the same distance each day.

1. Find the distance traveled in one round trip: Let's say Mr. Paulson travels 'x' miles to his new job and 'x' miles back home. So, the total distance traveled in one round trip is 2x miles.

2. Calculate the total distance traveled in one week: In one week, Mr. Paulson makes a round trip to his new job 5 times (assuming a 5-day workweek). Therefore, the total distance traveled in one week is 5 * 2x = 10x miles.

3. Calculate the total gallons of gas used in one week: To calculate the total gallons of gas used, we divide the total distance traveled by the gas mileage, which is 22 miles per gallon. So, the total gallons of gas used in one week is 10x / 22 = (10/22)x gallons.

4. Calculate the difference in gallons of gas used: Now, we need to determine how many fewer gallons of gas Mr. Paulson uses to travel to and from his new job. To calculate this difference, we can subtract the amount of gas used before the new job from the amount of gas used after the new job.

Let's assume Mr. Paulson's previous gas usage for the same distance was 'y' gallons. So, the difference in gallons of gas used is (10/22)x - y.

Now, to find the answer, we need to know the specific values of 'x' (distance traveled to and from the new job) and 'y' (previous gas usage). Please provide these values, and I can calculate the answer for you.