_5x__ + _20__

x+4 4+x

change the second denominator ot x+4

Now, they have the same denominators..

(5)(x+4)/(x+4) or 5

check this.

To add the fractions (5x + 20)/(x + 4) and 5/(x + 4), we need to first find a common denominator. In this case, we will use (x + 4) as the common denominator.

Now, let's rewrite the given fractions with the common denominator:

(5x + 20)/(x + 4) = (5x + 20)/(x + 4)
5/(x + 4) = 5(x + 4)/(x + 4)

Now that both fractions have the same denominator, we can combine them:

(5x + 20)/(x + 4) + 5/(x + 4) = (5x + 20 + 5(x + 4))/(x + 4)

To simplify the expression, we distribute 5 to both terms inside the parentheses:

(5x + 20 + 5x + 20)/(x + 4) = (10x + 40)/(x + 4)

Thus, the sum of the fractions (5x + 20)/(x + 4) and 5/(x + 4) is (10x + 40)/(x + 4).