Create an image showing a person in the midst of revising a paper. Show a Caucasian woman sitting at a desk with a paper spread across it, a pen in her hand, and various books scattered around. The woman is deeply immersed in her work, pondering the changes she will make. Remember, the image should be devoid of text.

When you revise your paper, what questions do you want to ask yourself about your paper?

Select the two correct answers.

(1 point)

Did I spell they're, their, and there correctly?

Does my paper have all of its components?

Did I explain my reasoning adequately?***

Did I put commas in the correct places?

Did I write this paper in one verb tense?***

1. Which components are included in a written argument? Select the two correct answers.

A: reasons that support the argument and evidence from reliable sources.

2. How should points related to an argument be presented?
A: in order of importance

3. What is the purpose of a claim?
A: to address a topic and capture the attention of the reader

4. When you revise your paper, what questions do you want to ask yourself about your paper? Select the two correct answers.
A: Does my paper have all of its components? and Did I explain my reasoning adequately?
I got 100 so I hope this helps!πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜€πŸŽ And Happy Holidays


Does my paper have all of its components,
and, Did I explain my reasoning adequately?

I really need to get a 100 on this quick check. My mom will be so mad if i dont.

ima need the whole quick checks answers


And the assignment was called Clear Organization

Thank you "hello its me" your answers were correct! I used them to check my work and I got them all correct thank you for your help.

Happy Holidays! πŸŽ„πŸŽ

Thank you "hello its me" your answers were correct! I used them to check my work and I got them all correct thank you for your help.

Happy Holidays! πŸŽ„πŸŽ
-Had to redo the post because their are 1 million people named "Amara"

To revise your paper effectively, it's important to ask yourself specific questions about various aspects of your writing. In this case, there are two correct answers from the given options:

1. Did I explain my reasoning adequately?
Evaluating whether you have provided sufficient explanations to support your arguments is crucial. This question helps you ensure that your paper is coherent and effectively communicates your ideas.

2. Did I write this paper in one verb tense?
Consistency in verb tense is important for maintaining a clear and concise writing style. Asking yourself this question will help you review your paper for any inconsistencies in verb tense, ensuring that it reads smoothly.

While the other options listed may also be important, they are not directly related to asking questions about your paper during the revision process.

3 is wrong its supports the claim but the rest is right