In one hour, a seamstress can sew 52 yards of material. Which proportion can be used to determine y, the number of yards she can sew in 45 minutes?

60 min = 52 yrds

45 min = ???

45 is 3/4 of 60.
So, you would have to find out what 3/4 of 52 is.

y/45 = 52/60

To determine the number of yards the seamstress can sew in 45 minutes, we can set up a proportion based on the given information.

Let's start by converting the time from 1 hour to 60 minutes, since 60 minutes make up an hour.

In 1 hour, the seamstress can sew 52 yards of material.
In 60 minutes, the seamstress can sew 52 yards of material.

Now, we need to find out how many yards she can sew in 45 minutes.

We can set up a proportion based on the relationship between time and yards:
60 minutes = 52 yards
45 minutes = y yards

The proportion can be written as:

60/45 = 52/y

Cross-multiplying, we get:

60y = 45 * 52

Dividing both sides of the equation by 60, we find:

y = (45 * 52) / 60

By evaluating this expression, we can find the value of y, which represents the number of yards she can sew in 45 minutes.