each issue of soccer world magazine costs $5.99 at the book store. a 6-month subscription costs $24.99. how much can a reader save for subscribing to the magazine for 6 months?



To calculate how much a reader can save by subscribing to the magazine for 6 months, we need to compare the cost of buying each issue individually to the cost of a 6-month subscription.

The cost of each issue is $5.99.

So, if a reader were to buy each issue individually for 6 months, they would have to pay:
6 months * $5.99 per issue = $35.94.

However, a 6-month subscription costs $24.99.

To find out how much a reader can save by subscribing, we subtract the cost of the subscription from the cost of buying each issue individually for 6 months:
$35.94 - $24.99 = $10.95.

Therefore, a reader can save $10.95 by subscribing to the magazine for 6 months.

6*5.99 - 24.99