alma subscribes to website for processing her digital pictures. The subscription is $5.95 per month and 4-by-6-inch prints are $0.19 each. how many prints does alma purchase if the charge for January is $15.83?

I need help on this question!!

(15.83 - 5.95) / 0.19 = ?

To find out how many prints Alma purchased in January, we can subtract the monthly subscription cost from the total charge for January.

Step 1: Calculate the monthly subscription cost:
Monthly subscription cost = $5.95

Step 2: Subtract the monthly subscription cost from the total charge for January:
Total charge for January = $15.83
Prints cost = Total charge for January - monthly subscription cost
Prints cost = $15.83 - $5.95

Step 3: Calculate the number of prints Alma purchased:
Number of prints purchased = Prints cost / cost per print
Number of prints purchased = ($15.83 - $5.95) / $0.19

Now, let's evaluate the expression:
Number of prints purchased = $9.88 / $0.19

Step 4: Divide the prints cost by the cost per print:
Number of prints purchased ≈ 51.9

Since we cannot have a fraction of a print, we round this number down to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, Alma purchased approximately 51 prints in January.