What did viceroys in Spain's American empire do?

A: carried out the king's wishes, gained wealth for the king, and guarded the king's lands

B: acted as messengers between the king in Spain and the colonists in the Americas

C: represented the Indians in Spanish courts

D: set prices for products going from the Americas to Spain

To determine the correct answer, we can break down each option and consider the role of viceroys in Spain's American empire.

A) carried out the king's wishes, gained wealth for the king, and guarded the king's lands: This option accurately describes some of the responsibilities of viceroys. They were appointed by the king to enforce his policies and carry out his orders in the colonies, ensuring the king's interests were protected.

B) acted as messengers between the king in Spain and the colonists in the Americas: While it is true that viceroys were in communication with the king in Spain, their role extended beyond being mere messengers. They held significant authority and had the power to administer justice, make decisions, and represent the king's interests.

C) represented the Indians in Spanish courts: This option is not accurate. Viceroys did not specifically represent the indigenous population in Spanish courts. While they were responsible for governing and maintaining order in the territories, their primary allegiance was to the Spanish crown.

D) set prices for products going from the Americas to Spain: This option is incorrect. The viceroy's primary responsibilities were not related to setting prices for products or regulating trade between the Americas and Spain. Their focus was more on governance, law enforcement, defense, and maintaining the colonial structure.

Therefore, the correct answer is A) carried out the king's wishes, gained wealth for the king, and guarded the king's lands.

Which do you think? Which makes sense?