Susan received 1 1/2 slices of pizza from her sister.she gave 2/3 of this seatmate who had no money to buy food for recess what part of the pizza slices did Sarah shared to her classmates

To determine the part of the pizza slices that Susan shared with her classmates, we need to calculate the fraction.

Susan received 1 1/2 slices of pizza from her sister, which can be represented as the mixed number 1 + 1/2 or the improper fraction 3/2.

Susan gave 2/3 of this to her seatmate who had no money for food.

To find out how many slices she gave to her seatmate, we need to multiply 2/3 by 3/2.

(2/3) * (3/2) = 6/6

So, Susan gave her seatmate 6/6 or a whole slice of pizza.

Therefore, Susan shared 1 whole slice of pizza (6/6) with her classmates.

To find the part of the pizza slices that Susan shared with her classmates, we first need to calculate the fraction of the pizza slices she initially received.

Susan received 1 1/2 slices of pizza from her sister. To add the whole number and the fraction, we multiply the whole number (1) by the denominator of the fraction (2) and add the result to the numerator, which gives us 3/2.

So, Susan received 3/2 slices of pizza.

Next, Susan gave 2/3 of the slices to her seatmate. To find the amount of pizza slices she shared, we multiply 3/2 by 2/3.

(3/2) * (2/3) = 6/6 = 1

Therefore, Susan shared 1 slice of pizza with her classmates.

Walang matinong answer sorry but thank you parin

very poorly worded question

2/3 * 3/2 = 1
that left 1/2 to share with classmates.

but the whole thing is so garbled it's hard to tell just what is going on.