Read the following lines from "Thoughts of Hanoi."

The night is deep and chill
as in early autumn. Pitchblack,
it thickens after each lightning flash.
I dream of Hanoi:
Co-ngu Road
ten years of separation
the way back sliced by a frontier of hatred.
I want to bury the past
to burn the future
still I yearn
still I fear
those endless nights
waiting for dawn.
Which of the following best describes the mood created by the speaker and the setting?
A. angry
B. frightening
C. miserable
D. somber

I was told it’s somber?

D. somber

The mood created by the speaker and the setting can be best described as somber. The speaker's descriptions of the deep and chill night, the pitch-black darkness, and the separation and hatred that has divided the way back to Hanoi all contribute to a sense of sadness and heaviness. The speaker's yearning and fear, as well as the mention of endless nights waiting for dawn, add to the somber mood. To understand the mood created by a poem or a piece of writing, it is important to pay attention to the language used, the descriptions provided, and the emotions conveyed by the speaker or narrator.

I would say C.