the square root of 25x^2-40xy+16y^2

What isthe answer

I'm not sure,but I'd try beza's idea

The square root of 25x²–40xy+16y²

Write the answer

i did have any solution

To find the square root of the expression 25x^2 - 40xy + 16y^2, you can simplify it by factoring it before taking the square root.

Step 1: Factor the expression inside the square root:
25x^2 - 40xy + 16y^2 can be factored as (5x - 4y)^2.

Step 2: Take the square root of the factored expression:
√(5x - 4y)^2 = 5x - 4y.

Therefore, the square root of 25x^2 - 40xy + 16y^2 is 5x - 4y.

note that the first and last terms are perfect squares. So first, I'd try

since 40 = 2*5*4, this works fine, since
(a-b)^2 = a^2-2ab+b^2

What is the answer?