Compare the tactics used by the French troops in the French and Indian War with those of the American patriots during the Revolution.

I was wondering if somebody could explain this to me and yes I have went over my notes, lesson, and I watched a couple of videos.

"compare" means to tell how the two topics are similar; "contrast" means… different. Are you to do both? Or only compare?

a, cc, b, da, e, gb,gfdrfguhn,,hdrfvbf7tdvt6g,gdfghjk,jhfghgtfrfvb,

what the heck is wrong with space king

To compare the tactics used by the French troops in the French and Indian War with those of the American patriots during the Revolution, we need to look at the strategies employed by both sides and understand their objectives.

French and Indian War (1754-1763):
1. Guerilla Warfare: The French troops, along with their Native American allies, adopted guerilla warfare tactics, which involved ambushes, hit-and-run attacks, and utilizing the terrain to their advantage. They focused on disrupting supply lines and targeting specific units.
2. Fortifications: The French built a series of forts and fortified their positions to defend against British advances. Their strategy aimed to hold their ground and protect key areas.
3. Native American Alliances: The French relied heavily on engaging and forming alliances with Native American tribes, utilizing their knowledge of the local terrain and their guerrilla warfare tactics.

American Revolutionary War (1775-1783):
1. Guerrilla Warfare: The American patriots, facing a superior British army, adopted guerilla warfare tactics similar to those used during the French and Indian War. They conducted hit-and-run attacks, targeted supply lines, and used the cover of forests to their advantage.
2. Guerilla Tactics: The American patriots often avoided direct confrontation and instead focused on harassing the British forces through small-scale actions, such as sniping, sabotage, and ambushes. This approach aimed to weaken the British resolve and wear down their resources.
3. Asymmetric Warfare: The patriots utilized their intimate knowledge of the local geography, along with tactics learned from the Native Americans, in engaging the British. They employed unconventional methods like using civilians for intelligence gathering, conducting surprise attacks, and blending in with the local population.

In summary, both the French and the American patriots in the Revolutionary War utilized guerilla warfare tactics to compensate for their limited resources and counter the superior strength of their adversaries. They both focused on disrupting supply lines, using the terrain to their advantage, and engaging in asymmetric warfare. The French relied heavily on Native American alliances, while the American patriots employed their intimate knowledge of the local geography.